PiiQ Fortune 100 Executive Risk Report

Over 800+ social media profiles & email security analyzed for executives at the Fortune 100 US Organizations.

PiiQ Risk conducted a complete Social Media & Email Security Risk Assessment using their threat intelligence tool of five hundred Fortune 100 company executives.  Through open source automation, PiiQ Risk identified available social media accounts for each executive across LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and then applied PiiQ’s Risks analysis and scoring. Included in this social engineering predictive analytics tool is also technical data from security markers across email and passwords. ( yes they go hand in hand for BEC or Business Email Compromise)

The data included in this report represents the cumulative percentages of risk factor occurrences for all 500 executives.

Social Engineering (Phishing) based attacks are currently the primary threat to organizations within an increase in frequency by 667% since January 2020[1].

The average data breach now costing US companies roughly $11M dollars. The problem is current corporate security practices and technologies provide little guidance and protection for the personal digital footprint and non work email security of their employees ; a pathway that provides the information and methodology necessary for corporate cyber exploitation.

The results of our assessment are startling, even the most at-risk individuals for the highest value companies in the US have significant lapses in personal and corporate security best practices that are putting companies at risk.  Companies can no longer afford to overlook employee personal digital and social media hygiene as security best practices for their overall security strategy.  In order to bridge this gap, companies need to adopt more actionable tools to support more comprehensive social media use policies and implement continual continuous monitoring for high profile personnel and the most dangerous offenders inside the organization as it effects corporate risk. And also of course is like a shiny object for barracudas waiting, hungry for data to extort in easy target breaches

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